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Popular Integrations powered by Zapier

Popular Nimbata Integrations powered by Zapier Active Campaign Logo
⚡️by Zapier

Active Campaign

When a new phone call happens create a new contact or update an existing one. Nurture efficiently your phone leads through your sales funnel.

Popular Nimbata Integrations powered by Zapier pipedrive logo
⚡️by Zapier


Enrich your Pipedrive CRM with phone leads. Create and update leads and keep track on your lead activity completing your lead’s journey.

Popular Nimbata Integrations powered by Zapier leadconnector logo
⚡️by Zapier


Create targeted campaigns for your phone leads to efficiently nurture them though your sales funnel.

Popular Nimbata Integrations powered by Zapier firmao logo
⚡️by Zapier


Steamline your workflows and reduce time spent on manual data entry. Create a new lead or update a contact in Firmao CRM whenever a new call is logged in Nimbata.

Ready to improve the way you handle
your phone leads?

Gain full access. No credit card required.